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Attached you can see a screenshot of the bug :

-The component is set properly, with the background lines having an alignment constraint to the right of the frame. This way, the background lines never overlap the CTA. I created a variant so you can see that everything is working properly inside the component.

-When I create an instance of the component, the constraint of the background lines are still set to the right, and can’t be modified. But while resizing the instance, the lines are actually constrained to the left, even if the interface says the opposite.

I think thats a bug.

Here’s a file to check it

Figma – 23 May 24

Hi @Hg_Msnc, Thank you for contacting us and for sharing the file.

I noticed that the group named “Group” has absolute position applied to it. I assume you are experiencing that the group is not functioning as intended when the instance is resized.

I attempted to replicate the issue on my end by applying absolute position to a group within an Auto layout component, it appears to be working as expected for both the component and the instance.

In this situation, I recommend contacting our support team so they can further investigate the matter on your design file:

When reaching out to our support team, please make sure to provide the following details:

  • Use the email linked to your Figma account,

  • Add as an Editor to this file and any related libraries (this will not impact your billing), and add those sharing links.

  • Please record a video that clearly shows the issue, with the entire Figma screen visible and the necessary layers, properties, and layer panel settings expanded.

I hope this information is useful. If I have misunderstood this problem, please inform us.

Additionally, if any members of our community have further recommendations, please feel free to share them here.

Thanks again for getting in touch!

Definitely seems like a bug with groups. Use a frame for the lines instead:
