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Hi, so I’ve made a typing animation, but I want to add it to another animation variant that I have already done. However, when I add the first typing animation, it does not show up correctly when prototyping.

Ok so here is the typing animation already all set up correctly to work (I can’t show the whole variants because it’s really long)

I know it is working correctly because when I add to another frame and try to prototype, it shows up correctly like here:

Vídeo sem título ‐ Feito com o Clipchamp

But now I want to add to this other variant animation that I already have that is working normally

However, when I go to prototype, the typing animation does not show up correctly. The first line does not show up, but the rest is showing normally.


Does anyone know how to fix this? or how to do it using maybe jitter or something like that? I’ve tried searching about it but haven’t seen anyone with a problem like this.

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