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It’s always quite frustrating to use Figma on the go in windows laptops. The zoom speed while using trackpad is soo high and because of that, it’s like zoom in a lot of zoom out a lot.

The zoom speed control is required inorder fix that issue and to make it work as expected.

Did you guys face the same high zoom speed problem in your windows laptops too ? Let me know if you found any workarounds or plugins to solve this problem.

Try this: hold CTRL and Scroll on the touchpad (with two fingers up or down).

Thanks that’s a nice workaround ❤️. But do you think it will be nice to have that setting to control the zoom speed ?

This has killed so many workshops where we need to onboard non-designers and make them know Figma. Non designers use exclusively ThinkPad laptops and touchpad zoom on windows laptops is overly reactive. For inspiration Miro has it much nicer.

It depends laptop to laptop…

Thanks a lot!!! You saved my time!!!

I guess this problem is solved now, anyone else still feel the trackpad of the windows is too much responsive?
