The same issue today (after Figma update) infinite loading + doesn’t sync
We are facing the same issue, Infinite loading and doesn’t syncing.
Did you solve the problem? I got same issue
yo adobe, can you fix this issue? it seems been here from 2021. whats wrong with Figma? i already tried all of the method up there and none of those things work, i tried to copy and paste an image to my project and the FigJam wont sync or like wont upload the image to the server (the image are like 500Kb, not even 1 MB), then i tried to copy the image to different project its says "an invalid image or thumbnail was removed. what is wrong with FigJam server? please fix this issue because its seem so crucial where you cant input an image to a collaborative brainstorming platform such FigJam. if its just a bug, this are an anoying and dangerous bug for FigJam own goodness to be the most pioneer collaborative apps
абсолютно такая же проблема, кто-нибудь нашел решение? я не могу работать(
Наверняка что-то с серверами фигмы. Просто ждать…
Unfortunately not. It seems to be an error with the Figma update, since so many people are reporting it now.
In the meantime, I’m working with placeholders.
In the long run, that would be a serious limitation for Figma. I hope there will be a fix very soon.
My files have saved now. Maybe Figma were listening to us!
Figma’s servers seem to be a bit overwhelmed at the moment… @Liz_Livingston can’t confirm this 😕.
Okay, so here’s the deal with Figma. I gave it a shot, and after waiting for about half an hour, it finally managed to upload and sync the project updates. But boy, did it take forever, especially when dealing with images that were just 500Kb.
Then, I thought maybe closing and reopening the project could help, but that was another long wait. I’m not sure if it’s my internet acting sluggish, my device being slow, or Figma’s servers having a bad day, but whatever it is, it’s a pretty big issue.
Hello, my friends! Please fix your Figma, I want to earn money and buy food plese
Please be patient, in the Figma server status it says something like this “Investigating - We are currently investigating an issue where users may have issues loading Figma or saving files”. looks like Figma is working on it
The image is not showing in the preview section. What should I do?
I’m having the same issue. Closing and reopening the desktop app isn’t solving the problem. The issue is repeating everytime. Quite bizarre.
Great, now I’m gonna blow my deadline and get fired
When you’re in file and syncing seems to take forever, what helped so far in my case is just turning off and on wifi network on my laptop.
and same for me for like an hour now
한국에서도 동일한 문제가 발생하고 있어요.
업무에 큰 지장이 오네요 ㅠ.ㅠ 하하하하하하하하하 아무것도 못하는중
Yeah the problem is resolved for me. 🙂
Here we go again 🤓
If that happens again, I guarantee nothing 🧘♂️.