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Hello! I have the problem that when I want to update my team library, it says that the update was successful, but the changes are not executed and the message about the updates does not disappear either.

Exact same thing here for me!

+1 …

What do you have to do to make something happen here?

I’m having the blue activity notification issue as well. The project is unpublished with no asset updates.

Could this be related to a variant component issue from a referenced library? Perhaps a variant property is broken and I’m not seeing the error because the component lives in another library?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Fake Notification to Update Libraries

Same. I run into this all the time. I publish an update to a library and want to instantly use the updated components in other files but see “No updates available” in the libraries modal. I try quitting the Figma app and reopening but that doesn’t help. Pretty major issue for Figma to have!

A related problem : the components are updated except for one aspect. I my specific case, the height of the component instance wouldn’t change although the original component was modified and successfully published. The only remedy I found so far : right-click each instance and select “Reset all changes”. Result : the component is back to its original values – width and height are updated as well. Major drawback, though: all the content overrides are erased… Irksome to say the least.

@owilliams were you able to fix this? If yes, how did you go about it?

I have the same issue. Only “restart computer” helps. ))

We’re having the same issue with an enterprise design system. It’s a pretty large problem. We would appreciate it if Figma would make a statement about this.

Restarting does not help our case.

Having the same frustrating issue. Team library is successfully publish but the updates are not available in the files. Its a huge impact on working effectively!

Same issue here

I have the same issue. Any fixes or updates?

same here. Component in library is not updated

I was having this issue, and after digging into it a bit further noticed that if there are invalid properties after a modification to a component, it will not update the component in the shared versions of the library.

This is usually due to, in my case, properties that are now unused properties after component edits that render it as invalid, and the update will not be pushed until the property issue (or other issue making it invalid) is fixed, usually by removing the unused prop. Hope that helps!

Uff, is this still not resolved? I’m having the same issue, library is not updating after click on update button.

Yep. this fixed it for me