My team is experiencing issues with color variables in our design system. Some don’t display right under the Libraries colors tab.
In the screenshot I’ve shown the colors dropdown and have hovered over a color variable. The selected rectangle has that color applied.
In list view, the broken colors are represented by a palette icon.
In grid view, the broken colors are not even displayed.
The biggest issue is that selecting any of the broken colors applies a nameless white color. The name of the color appears as an empty box next to the thumbnail.
An interesting fact is that some of the colors that are represented by the palettes icon still get applied correctly.
Another interesting fact is that different teammates see different broken colors.
This issue is present with new files, as well as existing ones. The library is up to date in those files.
The colors are not broken in our design system file.
This has been an issue for months now. However, when we initially made the switch to color variables, this was not an issue.
Has anyone else experienced any of these issues?