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I have a bunch of files that I need to transfer to a new FIgma account. The only method, apparently, is to save locally each file, one by one, and then import them into the new one. It is a tedious, time-consuming task, though. I saw previous responses for this question in this forum, the option to create a new start team, share with both accounts and duplicate the files there. However, I believe this option is outdated, since the start team only allows 3 files.

Is there any other way? Some plugin, maybe? I think it’s kinda baffling that I can import multiple files at once, easily by dagging them into the window, but there’s seems to be no easy way to save/export multiple files at once. This is what sounds to me as a design flaw.

If there’s anyone who knows a workaround, please share.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Saving file locally