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I followed a tutorial for Figma, which for the most part seemed to go ok.

However, when I play the prototype, an SVG that I had injected into the site appears full size in front of the frame.

In examining all of the items in the page, I can’t find it. I’ve tried deleting virtually everything, but it still shows.

My guess is I’ve inadvertantly inserted/dropped it somewhere that I don’t see in the page hierarchy. If so, I have no idea where to find it. I’ve also looked at the page in the Google inspector, but I still can’t find anything definitive there (Figma adds a lot of unrecognizable cruft.)

So, I’m kind of stuck. I need to understand where this is and how to get rid of it. If this were a real project for a real client, there’s no way I could make it available for review.

Is this anything someone has run into? or has an idea off the top of their head.

I presume I can provide the project file to anyone interested.

Any thoughts appreciated.

Can you make the file sharable and drop the link so we can check it ourselves? Mysteries are easier to solve when we can investigate the crime scene 🙂

You can click “share” in the top right corner, and then set the permissions to “anyone with the link can view.” Screenshots are helpful too, but this is even better.

Screen Shot 2021-05-15 at 10.40.08 AM

Had the same issue a couple of times. You can hide all elements and it’s still visible in proto mode but invisible in the editor. Try restarting Figma. For me it’s been visible in the editor once I reload.

Restart figma.

Copy paste the whole frame.

You will still see the rogue element in the new frame, but now you will be able to select it and delete it.
