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I try to re-publish a file to community, with updates. I’ve done this plenty of times. Today, the “Publish file” form is completely empty. It should be pre-filled with the already published information (comment and duplication count, title, description, tags, creator…).

As I cannot tell whether this would actually re-publish the file or create a new community file, I will not go through with this. So I am blocked from posting updates. This forum won’t let me include links, so I can’t link to the community file, but it’s called “Bitcoin icon set”.

Seems like a bug. Would be fantastic if you could address this or let me know if something has changed about republishing files.

You should be able to post links in this forum using the hyperlink button:

Screen Shot 2021-09-25 at 15.03.13

Or simply paste a link in the text?

Seems like a strange situation. This seems like an bug/issue to ask about!

@wolfr thanks for the tip.

Looks like the issue resolved itself. Today, when the publish panel properly shows the right “Re-publish” option with all the info from the published file.

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