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More components - User Text Box and Calendar


How do I create components so that user can select date/time in the app?
How do I create component so that user can have a text box to enter information ?

Best answer by Samantha_Pecan

Not sure about your first question, but see this thread to address your second question: Animate text input

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Not sure about your first question, but see this thread to address your second question: Animate text input


Thank you Samantha! the text box thing worked pretty nicely.
For the first question I wondering to have a working calendar icon in figma. Also Would you know of working radio buttons?


I’m not really sure what you mean by working calendar icon. If you want the user to be able to click a calendar icon and then an actual calendar pops up, that’s an easy simple prototype interaction, but if you want the user to actually be able to select dates, that’s going to be a lot more complicated like the animated text input I sent before.
Radio buttons are easy with interactive components. If you haven’t already, sign up to be part of the interactive components beta. Then you can make two different states of radio buttons (one selected state and one unselected state) and then prototype interactions between them.


Thanks Samantha! Thats exactly what I was looking for. Just because the older prototyping tool had these functionalities built in, maybe thats why I am trying to match the quality for the business stakeholders.

I was able to create the radio buttons interaction, but i dont think that the calendar thing is going to be an easy task.


There are a lot of youtube tutorials regarding this aspect, but I think you should create a design of how you would like it to look in the app and, after that, design and program everything.


For example, you can start with the April calendar and download a paper version, and write on the paper all the details you would like to have in your program. In this way, you’ll save a lot of time, and you won’t have o come back over and over again to add some more data, and you will organize everything from the start.


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