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Missed joining the waitlist in the What’s new popup, trying to join the waitlist for the new UI3. Where I can find this?

Same! I was so excited to try it that I dismissed the popup immediately 🤦‍♂️

Same here… I reloaded, opened the app and saw nothing that showed me a waitlist.

ahahah glad that I’m not the only one 😃

Me too, cannot find a way back to it!

I found it! You can join it using the Help and resources in the bottom right corner

Not everone will see this. The beta is limited and is only available to a select few. You are one of the lucky ones to get invited to the beta so soon!

The rest of us will be informed through a popup (supposedly) once the beta becomes available to us.

More information is here.

Hi there, Thanks for reaching out about this!

Alternatively, please navigate to the bottom of the screen, click on the “?” and select Join UI3 + AI waitlist.

Check out our Help Center for more info! What Figma features are in beta? - Join the waitlist

Thanks again for reaching out.

Hi, I got e-mail that I got handpicked to early access to AI and UI3.

Still, can’t see any new change to the UI. Anyone got the same problem?

Hey @Mihael! Can you check something for me (if you haven’t already)?

Click the question mark in the bottom right hand corner (help menu) and see if you have the option to click Use New UI (in beta)

We’re still rolling out the new UI, so If you don’t see this yet, we’ll be pushing this out over the next few months, so you’ll get the redesign once it rolls out to you.

This page has some additional details if you’re interested:

Hey @ksn I have checked and I have Join UI3 + AI waitlist. But, the thing is that as a FoF Leader I got early invite via e-mail as well as every FoF Leader.

This is part of the e-mail:

Because you’re a valued member of the Figma community, we’re giving your account early access to the beta. Refresh Figma and you’re in!

So, maybe it’s the problem with something else like cache, etc.

oh! my apologies - let me check on my end and get back to you.

EDIT: actually @Mihael can you check another thing for me? If you’re on the desktop app, can you try clearing the cache and hard restarting to see if it pops up?

Help > Troubleshooting > Clear cache and restart.

Want to check that, and then get back to the team to cover all bases.

While successfully signed onto the waiting list for UI3 - when can I expect to get access to the new UI and features?

@ksn Unfortunately, still nothing. 😕 Thank you for your efforts 🙂

Thank you for checking! I’m looking into this – will check back in once I get more info.

I had to be in the browser version of Figma (not the desktop app) to see the “Join waitlist” link.

Wheres this?

@Mihael I have received an email that I’m one of the select few and I have the same issue as you Mihael

@haydar_abdulkarim @Mihael - just a quick update to let you know that I’m waiting on some info, and will follow up with both of you separately once I learn more.

For any additional people who are looking to get on the waitlist, please see the solution pinned to the top that was posted by @Junko3.

Thank you!

I also encountered this problem. After receiving the confirmation email, I couldn’t wait to try it. I spent an hour trying it, but to no avail: rofl:: rofl:. Tried:

  1. Log in again.

  2. Reinstall the program.

  3. Log in in your browser. Includes privacy window.

  4. Refresh many times.

  5. Try using the bate version of the program.

    The above attempts have no results. I can only come to the forum to view, I didn’t expect everyone to have this problem.

Tried again this morning: opened dev tools, cleared all site data, and local and session storage. Did a hard refresh and logged in again. It’s working now.

Not sure if it’s because of that or if someone added me again, but it’s okay now.

Thank you all!

I also encountered a similar problem, please help me check it, thank you

How do you guys get this UI3, I joined the waitlist, but nothing yet, ig.

How much timeit would take to give us new UI

Thanks for the update @Mihael! Feel free to drop any feedback in a new topic after you’ve played around a bit.

For everyone else that comes across this topic, please note two things:

  1. If you are looking to join the waitlist, see the solution at the top of this post.

  2. These invitations will be rolling out over the next few months, and we do not have exact (or guaranteed) time on when to expect your invitation.

If you’ve gotten an invite or notice that you are in the beta, and do not see any changes when you go into Figma, please create a new topic for assistance.

I’d encourage you all to also check out the topic @dvaliao posted here to get more info on other things that we’re releasing if you haven’t already.

We appreciate your patience and we get these new features out to you ❤️ I will be closing this topic.