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1. Describe the bug/issue you’re running into? I used an ellipse and changed the color to red. The red circle in color palette was red, but the actual object was orange.

2. Are you able to consistently reproduce it? If so what are the steps? Yes

3. Share a screenshot, recording, console log, link to the file, etc.

4. Is the issue only happening in desktop app or a specific browser , or both? Both

5. What OS/version and/or browser/version are you using? Mac 10.15.7

@Hillary_Steiner thanks for reporting. We’ve got this tracked and our team is looking into it. 😊

Yeah! Noticed this too.

For what it’s worth, I think this may be for accessibility. Most colors don’t match between post its and the marker!

I agree that the red looks slightly orange to me, maybe not for all people!

1. Describe the bug/issue you’re running into?

selecting the red fill for a shape fills the color to orange

2. Are you able to consistently reproduce it? If so what are the steps?


3. Share a screenshot, recording, console log, link to the file, etc.


4. Is the issue only happening in desktop app or a specific browser , or both?

only tested desktop

5. What OS/version and/or browser/version are you using?

desktop 97.7

Default red color for these items.

This is for all shapes, right?


2 red color looks different.

I have tested in 2 device the difference is there, it’s just a minor issue.

This Figma-Jam is great. I hope as the user base increase more tools in Figma-Jam will be added. Right now I am using Lucidchart. There web platform is very responsive and they have lots of tools to brain-storming technical ideas. I hope it will be availale in future.

Love to Figma Team.

Hey everyone, thanks for sharing your feedback on this!

This behavior is currently expected but the team is looking into it.

I’ve moved this topic to the feedback category so users can vote on it.

1. Describe the bug/issue you’re running into?

Colours look way different to the one in the toolbar to what gets filled. Almost feels different hue all together

2. Are you able to consistently reproduce it? If so what are the steps?

Yes, just fill the colours and see them

3. Share a screenshot, recording, console log, link to the file, etc.

4. Is the issue only happening in desktop app or a specific browser , or both?


5. What OS/version and/or browser/version are you using?

MacOS, desktop app

Create an outlined box and add text inside. Change both of their colors to the red. The shades are different!

I’d personally prefer red as I use that colour for “no” or “rejected” or other negatives. I think its as expected so that marker is still legible within it, but perhaps a pink hue instead of an orange hue would be more widely read is “red” 😃

+1. The solid fills are orange for the red fill

Can’t believe this is from April and still wasn’t fixed. We need red color, please !

Hey @Cristian this is technically expected behavior and by design. When working through colors we needed to make sure that the different types of objects could all be overlapped and interact with each other. This isn’t just limited to the red colors.

The good news is that now that FigJam plugins are now in beta you can expect to see more options to customize the colors further. In fact @Gleb has created a plugin that does exactly this!

Hope this provides some more information. As always, we appreciate the feedback! 🙂

These other colors change lightness but not hue. Green doesn’t become blue, yellow doesn’t become green and even purple doesn’t become magenta. Here is what red should look like:

I haven’t tested these for trichromacy accessibility but for monochromacy the contrast looks fine (and it could be better for yellow):

Good point @Gleb. Was just trying to provide some context around the initial decision. You’re right that the color could be improved. Which is why we’ll keep this post open to be voted on.

Hi there FigJam Team!

Would it be possible to fix the Red Color? When selecting it, the resulting color isn’t the same on the canvas.




I completely agree that colors should change in lightness based on intended use for accessibility however this change in hue has caused communication issues on our team.

“We may not finish the red tasks this week.”

Hey All,

Thank you for your feedback! Red in FigJam is officially less orange and more “red”. More info here: 🛠️️ 32 Little Big Updates
