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We’ve noticed that we cannot modify the independent corner radiuses on rectangles that were created a few months ago, but we can on new ones. We didn’t change these rectangles to vectors or otherwise modify them – we only set the independent corner radiuses and fill color during creation.

This means that to adjust the independent corner radiuses on older components we need to recreate all their rectangles from scratch, which I sincerely hope can be avoided 😓 Does anyone know of a workaround for this? Any help would be appreciated 🙂

Here’s a file that contains a couple of these unmodifiable rectangles copy-and-pasted from our file: Figma

It looks like another user had a similar issue, but may have converted the rectangle to a vector shape (Can't adjust corner radiuses), which is not our case – unless Figma somehow does this automatically (?)

Hi @Antonio1,

It seems like these rectangles were “edited” as shapes. What happened is that someone updated a corner-radius using edit shape. (see vid)

The good news is that you can still update manually, the same way, by editing as a shape, without having to flatten your rectangle. Just repeat the same process as in the video.

Hope that helps!

Ah, perfect, that works — thank you!