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Just before the lovely figma team announced the new ‘Dev mode’ feature, our design team we’re on the verge of moving back to Zeplin to improve our handover process with engineering and testing teams. Not anymore!

However, one crucial part of the handover is to document some notes and comments that aren’t relevant on a JIRA ticket, such as interaction notes, comments about what we want to track etc, making notes directly on the design.

Are there any plans to improve the existing comment functionality on Figma because it’s very basic? It would be awesome to define a category (with unique colour) for a comment (basically replicate Zeplin comments functionality) and then also be able filter comments by category.

Not sure if anyone else is having the same problem, but would definitely be a great addition to figma!



Yes i love this! Also make comments Copy/Pasteable so that everything can be easily pasted into the handoff doc if it’s a different file.

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