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I have a component that I want to use as the background of another autolayout component, however, since the final component needs to be able to resize depending on the length of text, the final component needs to be set to autolayout. Therefor it is isn’t possible, since each layer in the component needs to be an item of the autolayout component.

The only way to achieve this is to not use a component as the background, but instead use an image as a fill on the final component, which doesn’t achieve what I want.

Please help, thanks!

It isn’t possible, but you can vote for this suggestion: Absolute position in Auto Layout

Thanks for the quick response Gleb. I’ll cast a vote 💯 do you know of any plugins that help in the meantime?

Plugins can’t add new functionality to Figma, so if you can’t achieve this by hand, plugins can’t do it. This will need to be implemented natively.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Absolute position in Auto Layout