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Hello everyone,

My name is Marcus.

I’m new to Figma and also new to the community and have a simple question about importing already made animations into Figma.

My issue is pretty simple, I was searching for some animations on and I found one that I like so I imported it into Figma. I managed to do that however the animation isn’t playing, it’s just a picture, sort of like a screenshot of the animation. I want the actual animation to work, do you know how I can do this, or if it is even possible to ‘copy/paste’ animations into Figma or do I have to create my own animations?

Thank you in advance.

You cannot insert gifs straight onto a canvas. Or better say you can, but they will not play. Gifs do work in prototypes, though

I see, thanks for the help, but the thing is even in prototypes its not playing

Is there a plugin I need to download or is there another way to make the animation play?

For your outcome, I think that you should first make sure that the element you’ve taken from dribbble is in gif format if you want it to be animated.

Read more here : Add animated GIFs

Read more here : View animated GIFs

Since animated GIFs can only be played for presentation view, there are some tips to help you to preview/play them

Tips 01 : The Fill modal

Tips 02 : GiF plugin by @Rogie_King

This plugin can help to play and even export a GIF

I’m pretty sure you’re right-clicking and copying the image. For the gif to work you have to download it and paste as an image. That should work

I know I’m ‘only answering now’ but I’ve managed to make it work thank you everyone 👌