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I login to my Figma account via a Google. Recently the company I work for switched it’s Google Workspace so now I have a new email.

From what I’m reading there’s no way to make this transition…but maybe I’m wrong?

If there’s no option I’d have to create a Figma account with my new Google Workspace account and through the Figma’s Owner account manually migrate each team member’s role?

Found the solution, just:

  1. Log out

  2. Click on the recover/forgot password link

  3. Log in with your new pwd and the option to change your e-mail will now be enabled.


this didn’t work for me it just logged back in

After input your old email address (assuming old email address is still the alternative address) and PW from the rest password screen, you can login by input old email address and password (Not the Google SSO yet), then you can change your email address from the old one to new one. Then confirm the email address from email, to finish the email change. You can login from Google SSO again.