I am new to Figma and mobile design in general. I’ve just learned about using constraints and layout grids to create a responsive design. I’ve created a design on an iPhone 11 Pro Max frame, and when I resize the frame to the iPhone SE resolution, the elements successfully slide into their rightful place, i.e. the design is responsive. However, when I go to view my prototype on my phone (an SE) in Figma Mirror, the prototype is not responsive, and the frame remains at the 11 Pro Max size, spilling off the sides of my screen.
Is there a workaround for this? Say I design an entire app for the iPhone SE size (since that’s the one that displays correctly on my phone), but then I want to share the finished product with someone else so that they can interact with the prototype—if they have a different size screen, am I SOL?
If there is no way to make your prototype responsive in Figma Mirror, what is your workaround for this problem? Is there a better way to share your prototype? Do you copy/paste your entire project onto a different set of frames, and develop concurrent prototypes to account for the most popular screen sizes? What would those be, i.e. what screen sizes should I be designing for at the start if I ultimately want to put my prototype in the hands of a bunch of different people with devices of various sizes?
Any help is appreciated—thanks!