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Hi everyone,

I’m trying to create a map with different filters (similar to Google Maps with Restaurants, Groceries, etc.). However I cannot find a way to hide / display markers on the map depending on their category button being tapped / untapped. Please find the example below:

I would ideally want all map markers to be hidden unless the top button “Landmark” is being tapped. In that case, I would like the markers “Place de la Concorde”, “Hotel des Invalides”, etc. to appear on the map.

Is there an easy way to make this happen? My apologies if this question has been raised before, I could not find any related topic on this forum or on the web.

Thank you in advance for your help!


You need to create 4 screens showing 4 states:

  1. No category selected (all markers hidden);

  2. Only the “Landmark” category is selected (and markers of this category are visible);

  3. Only the “Park” category is selected (and markers of this category are visible);

  4. The above two categories are selected (and all markers are visible).

Then link all of your screens with interaction connections to navigate to the desired screens.

Check out these Help Center articles:

Figma Help Center

Many thanks for the quick answer Yuri, much appreciated and very helpful!

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