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Nested component fixed height not changing

  • April 23, 2024
  • 1 reply

We’ve recently run into an issue trying to switch the size of our button component inside a parent component. We’re trying to create a container component that includes the button. And we’re able to change the size of the button when if exists inside a frame, or the main component. But when we try and change the size on the component instance, it doesn’t change the size. The width changes, but not the height. The height is set to a fixed height instead of hug. But we’ve been able to change the size of the button within nested components in the past with no issue.
Nested_button_issue_small (1)

1 reply

  • Community Support
  • 2285 replies
  • May 10, 2024

Hi there,

My apology for keeping you wait! It looks like a longstanding issue on Figma.

For now, if you add auto layout to each state of your set and assign the correct constraints you should be able to swap and see your frames correctly resize. Where elements are stacked on top of one another (eg. the states with images) you’ll need to apply Absolute position to the element sitting on top as explained in Explore auto layout properties.

So, could you try to explore if you can fix the issue by using auto layout?



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