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Avoid breaking change

  • July 20, 2022
  • 1 reply


Can we list together which action generates breaking change on a component ? To know when it is better to create a duplicate component and deprecate the old one.


  • Delete a layer


  • Update the name
  • Detach the variant

1 reply


@Blandine_PELAT I would love to have such a list too. @Figma_Moderation is there something like that? (btw. hope it is fine that I tag you here)

Some cases that will cause breaking changes:

  • delete visually visible layer

  • change layer structure (exception: text property already set and that is the only thing to move around)

  • updating layer names in only one instance and forget about the others (critical on overrides)

  • removing used nested components (… because a new Figma feature makes the use of it redundant 🙂

  • remove hidden layers that where needed because of a set boolean prop

you should be cautious when …

  • updating granular components (e.g. atom level) for a specific purpose and forget about the other components that use it and where the change might break things.

  • when deprecating components (always a critical decision to weigh if its needed or not in each use case, and this can also come with breaking changes)

  • cleaning up old components and forget about overrides in instances or structure

  • using {selection colors} for updating color tokens and therefore accidently create overrides in nested instances.

  • change text inside a textblock which has not yet had a layer naming. Because that might change the layer name to the new text.

When to decide if you should deprecate a component (my 2 cents):
This is a rather difficult question and I do not have a clear answer as I am also struggling a lot with this.
Things I ask myself, the component stats or the teams are:

  • How often is it used in the files
  • How often is it used in files that we are currently working on
  • Is this a change we are doing simultaneously in code?
  • Will I potentially need to update it pretty soon again?
  • Is this update an important technical update which will speed up time to market in the future a lot?
  • Is the instance that I need to do the change in, one we use very often? (that is a crucial point for me because I often experience that the default is kept in most adoptions and e.g. a focus instance barely displayed. What I tend to do here is just removing these focus instances and applying e.g. a focus outline as boolean prop. This way there would be no breaking change, as Figma will show these instances anyways and add a comment “missing property: reset to default state” or something like this and then they could update it for each case manually then.


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