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Troubles with Figma Agent


Hi community!
I have a problem with FigmaAgent on my browser Figma, it doesnt get my local fonts. But if I install the old version of Figma Font Helper, all fonts will work again, but then it is automatically updated to FigmaAgent and the fonts stop working.

Windows 10
Chrome browser

13 replies

  • 2 replies
  • September 19, 2022

I’m experiencing the same issue. I have to reinstall the agent and restart the browser a couple of times in order to get it work. It doesn’t matter wich browser I’m using, Chrome, Edge…

Windows 10

Do you have found any solutions?

  • 2 replies
  • September 19, 2022

Nevermind, I just found a solution in this thread for my issue.

The Figma agent must be set to start on launch. I did it through CCleaner (Tools > Startup), but there must be a way to set it through the Windows settings.

And there’s no need to reboot your computer after it to make it work, just go to the figma agent folder, and run the figma_agent.exe. The folder must be in a path similar to this:

In your case, I would try to stop the agent and restart it manually and see if that works…

Hope this helps 🙂

  • 7 replies
  • December 4, 2022

Thanks a lot! Sorry for the long time to reply - it doesnt notify…


🎳 @Juvili_H.M Thanks for the solution.

I have found a way to add the Figma agent to your StartUp apps on Windows. The process is quite long but I am happy to share.

To begin,

  • Download the latest Figma Agent (Font Installer) and install It.

  • Once installed, you need to find the file location. To find the file location easily, hit Windows logo key+ R to open the Run app.

  • Type “%localappdata%” and click okay. This should take you to this similar path ("C:\Users\yourpcusername\AppData\Local")

  • Locate the Figma Agent folder and open it. You should see the “Figma_agent.exe” file (similar path: “C:\Users\yourpcusername\AppData\Local\FigmaAgent\Figma_agent.exe”).

  • With the file location open, press the Windows logo key + R , type shell:startup , then select OK . This opens the Startup folder.

  • Copy and paste the "Figma_agent.exe" file from the file location to the Startup folder.

  • To confirm if the file has been added, open your Windows settings, and head to Apps>> Startup, you should see the Figma Agent in the list of startup apps. Make sure to turn on the toggle for the Figma agent.

  • Open Figma on your browser and it should work. If it doesn’t, you might need to restart your PC.

Hope this helps 🙂

Please none of the solutions above seems to be work for me. I’m really frustrated because I have been trying to solve this problem for days.

I see this on the settings panel

Even though Figma agent is installed on my device

I cannot even access my local fonts on the desktop version of Figma.

I have Figma agent set to launch on startup

I have installed and uninstalled the application many times this is not also working incase anybody ask.

Please who can help me with this problem?

[P.S] I uploaded all the screenshots to properly explain my problem but apparently ‘‘new users can only put one embedded media item in a post’’. So please if you need me to explain any further I will be willing to do so, Thank you very much!

  • Community Support
  • 4591 replies
  • July 24, 2024

Hey @SUBSAHARXN, sorry to hear you’re having trouble with accessing your local fonts!

Just to be sure, are you trying to fix your fonts issue for using Figma in the browser? The Figma font installer is only needed in-browser, and if so, you can find it here:

Figma Learn - Help Center

After installation, don’t forget to reload any open files in your browser to start using your font.

Hello @dvaliao thank you so much for your response. I have Figma font installer installed already like I earlier stated.


I have tried to install it again but I still face the same issues

I have refreshed the page on my browser severally, but I still see this


  • Community Support
  • 4591 replies
  • July 24, 2024


What OS are you using? Have you tried re-installing your fonts? If you’re on a macOS device, please also make sure that the fonts you have installed in the Font Book of your computer are “Enabled”.

You can enable fonts by right clicking the custom font in your font book and choose “Enabled”.

Hello @dvaliao thank you for your response. I currently use Windows 10. I tried installing some fonts front google fonts to see if that would fix the problem, but it didn’t.

  • Community Support
  • 4591 replies
  • July 25, 2024

Thanks for the info, @SUBSAHARXN!

Can you try clearing your browser and/or desktop app cache to see if that helps at all? And have you restarted your computer after re-installing your fonts?

Here’s how to clear the desktop app cache on Windows:

  1. Close the Figma desktop app
  2. Open the Start menu, and paste in this, followed by enter: %APPDATA%\Figma
  3. In the window that opens, delete the Desktop and DesktopProfile folders if they exist
  4. Launch the desktop app again

I’m so sorry for the late reply @dvaliao. Clearing the desktop app cache solved the problem for the desktop app! But I’m still having issues with assessing local fonts on
the web version of Figma. Thank you for your support!

  • Community Support
  • 4591 replies
  • July 26, 2024

Glad to hear that, @SUBSAHARXN!

It looks like Gayani created a ticket (#1076954) for you. Our support team will reach out directly to continue to troubleshoot from here.


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