I have used figma for couple of times but whenever I tried to figma on linux it, here comes a persistent problem which is the Whole design doesn’t instead my screen gets red and only show some text.

I have tried this on many linux distros, Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu, MX Linux, AntiX linux, Pop OS, Void Linux but in all distros I face the same issue.
I have tried to solve this I updated my browser, even tried it on Brave, Chrome, Chromium, Firefox but will always get the same problem.
But when my one of the relative asked me for linux, I advised him about ubuntu and he boot it and he likes it, so he also works with figma I asked him how well the figma is running are you getting any problem. He replied no, on the other hand in his case figma was running very well, so why I am getting this problem?
He said to me that he had done nothing extra to browser or Ubuntu.
I have tried to solve this problem, explored varous options like clear cache, disable/ enable hardware accleration, updating browser, changing browser, updating the os, closing unnecessary tabs and etc but the problem still remains.
Please somebody help me with this issue.
Figma Team please respond.