Hi everyone, welcome to our Community Forum! 🎉
This is a place for our community (that’s you!) to connect, ask and answer questions, share feedback, and collaborate.
Please take a moment to review our Forum Guidelines! We want to make sure this space stays organized and that conversations stay constructive.
Community Guidelines
The Basics
By participating in this community, you agree to adhere to our Code of Conduct. Along with this, we ask that you follow these simple rules:
💟 Be kind and respectful
We encourage healthy debates and constructive conversations. However, harassment, threats, personal attacks, discrimination, or trolling of any kind will not be tolerated. This is a safe space for people of all backgrounds and beliefs.
✨ Keep the forum organized
Search for similar topics before posting to avoid duplicates, and ensure your post is in the correct category.
Need help? Check the topic “What’s New in the Figma Forum”.
🚫 No spam
While sharing your work is encouraged, please avoid excessive self-promotion or off-topic posts, unless a dedicated category is provided for that.
Flag any spam for our moderators to review by using the reporting function - see below for more information.
⛔ No sharing of private information
Please refrain from sharing personal information (telephone numbers, email addresses, etc.) of yourself, other people or companies.
Topics and Replies
📝 Be clear and concise
When posting new topics make sure that you have a descriptive title and body. Whether you’re sharing feedback or asking a question, make sure to include details, screenshots, links, etc. whenever applicable. This helps the community respond in a timely and appropriate manner and helps reduce duplicate topics.
🪲 Reporting bugs vs asking product questions
If you think you’re experiencing a bug/issue with Figma, please create a topic in the Report a Problem category, and for Figma usage questions, head to the Ask the Community category.
💡 Suggesting ideas vs sharing feedback
Submit product ideas or feature requests under Suggest a Feature, and general thoughts in Share Your Feedback. Both categories are under the Share Your Thoughts section.
Note: these categories don’t represent Figma’s actual roadmap, nor can we make any promises around timelines. By giving feedback or suggestions to Figma about our products or services, you agree that Figma may use the feedback and suggestions without payment, attribution, or restriction.
❤️ Engage and appreciate
Use the “like” feature on topics and comments to show support for posts you find helpful or inspiring.
✅ Marking a solution/best answer
Topic type set as Questions allow you to mark a comment as the solution/best answer. This makes it easy to let others know that the question has been answered with a solution.
🚩 Reporting content
To flag inappropriate or duplicate content to our team for review, simply click the three dots (...) in the bottom-right corner of a post and select “Report”. Available on every post.