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Set multiple strokes or corner radiuses at once with shorthand

  • December 15, 2022
  • 1 reply


If you select an Auto Layout, you can set different values for each side of the horizontal or vertical padding by entering two numbers, separated by a comma.

For example, if you enter 2,8 as the horizontal padding, that will set the left padding to 2px and the right padding to 8.

This is great ā€” but what would be even better is if you could do the same for corner radius and stroke widths.

Iā€™m imagining that it would work similar to CSS shorthand properties.

For stroke widths:

  • If there are four values, they are applied clockwise: first top, then right, then bottom, then left
  • If there are two values, the first one is used for top and bottom, the second is for left and right
  • If there are three values, the first one is for top, the second is for right and left, and the third is for bottom

For corner/border radiuses:

  • If there are four values, they are applied clockwise: first top-left, then top-right, then bottom-right, then bottom-left
  • If there are two values, the first one is used for top-left and bottom-right, the second is for bottom-left and top-right
  • If there are three values, the first one is for top-left, the second is for top-right and bottom-left, and the third is for bottom-right

I would also suggest using a semicolon as the separator to account for languages (such as German) where commas are used as the decimal separator, rather than periods.


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