I am creating a client to consume json from figma API. Was going through documentation, and couple of questions I have -
Is there a Java SDK for Figma API? Writing client and type is time consuming.
I was going through Figma APIs and it seems that after we fetch user details, there is no way to programmatically fetch the teamIds based on userId. To get projects, the teamId has to be supplied manually. In my flow, once a user provides authentication using oAuth2, I am able to fetch user details, but in addition to oAuth, the user has to provide the teamId too. It might be difficult for normal users to be able to find the teamId from their figma urls. Please let me know if I am missing something from the documentation.
It is not clear what is the data type of Path, specified inside VECTOR NodeType, specifically for fields such as strokeGeometry, or fillGeometry. I am assuming it is an array of String, representing SVG Paths. Is my assumption correct?
Can there be Nodes which are of type just Vector? I mean is VectorNode an abstract node?
Docs about StyleMap seemed a bit confusing. Doc specifies that it is a type of <StyleType, String>, and StyleType enum has only 4 values. But in response, I am seeing this for one of the Rectangles -
“fontFamily”: “Roboto”,
“fontPostScriptName”: null,
“fontWeight”: 400,
“fontSize”: 14,
“textAlignHorizontal”: “LEFT”,
“textAlignVertical”: “TOP”,
“letterSpacing”: 0,
“lineHeightPx”: 16.40625,
“lineHeightPercent”: 100,
“lineHeightUnit”: “INTRINSIC_%”
} -
As others have asked in other posts, are there plans to send final css, andoid and iOS code in API response? Is this is missing just in Rest APIs and is available via plugins built inside Figma?
What is the center of origin to all x and y values in absoluteBoundingBox of all nodes inside a Frame? Is there a chance they are relative to parents, or are they all absolute to a single point of reference, within a Frame?