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Temporarily hiding selection outlines


In other design tools you can simply press a key, and any selection outlines, grab handles, etc. get hidden while the key is down, so you can preview and evaluate how things look, without having to de-select everything and lose your selection.

Apparently there is no way to do this in Figma =(

This is important while experimenting with different colors, fonts, etc., and in Figma it could be used to see how different sizes, variants, and states, look in your design, without those selection handles and outlines getting in the way of you previewing things.

65 replies

  • Power Member
  • 4706 replies
  • April 4, 2021

It is not possible but it sounds like a good suggestion, so I’d recommend you to edit this topic, turn it into a suggestion instead of a question, and move it to #product-ideas category.

  • Power Member
  • 4706 replies
  • April 4, 2021

Also you can always press Esc to deselect everything, then Cmd/Ctrl + Z to undo deselection.

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  • 56 replies
  • April 4, 2021


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  • April 4, 2021

Yep, that’s what I have to do. But it breaks flow state. The subtle, yet magical effect of simply pressing a key down, is that it’s so simple & easy to do, you stay in that flow state as you switch options while designing, which speeds up your design evaluation process by an order of magnitude. Once you experience it, you’re kind of hooked on it 🙂

Maybe other designers here who know what I’m talking about can share their perspective on this, but for me it’s a huge speed boost to be able to do this.

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  • April 4, 2021

Also, I should add, it should be easy to implement. Huge bang for the buck.


+1 to this. ESC doesn’t do the trick because then you can’t manipulate the selection.


+1000000 to this!
This is by far the biggest design update I would like to see. Enabling hiding selection lines with a good shortcut would turn Figma into a powerhouse. I completely agree with the magical flow. It suffers without it.


Voted! It could be “h” key. Does anybody uses “h” for hand tool?


Hi Gleb
Sorry, a bit of but how can this be done?
I was trying in one of mine and don’t see how.
The advised one is Share Feedback and the tags don’t allow to put anything.
By the way, the one I mention is a bit related o this, so, who wants to take a peek…

  • Power Member
  • 4706 replies
  • January 14, 2022

This topic is already in the correct category. Product Ideas were renamed to Share Feedback.

  • 3 replies
  • February 3, 2022

Ctrl+Shift+’ to toggle snapping.

  • 3 replies
  • February 3, 2022

I’m +1G on this. Very important (and basic to CG design).

I’d recommend a toggle (which is what Adobe does) rather than pressing a key.
Reason: If you are holding a key and the cursor is inside a text box (or anything else that accepts input) you have a conflict in your UX. To see how nasty this is, check out the Affinity products.


Hi @MitchR
And thanks. But I think that’s for Pixel Grid Snapping.
The problem is with Object & Geometry.

  • 4 replies
  • February 28, 2022

Adding nothing except this is the one feature I want more than any other by a long way. Thank you!


I agree, this would be very helpful while editing styles of a selected element, especially the border or box shadows are difficult to see changes when the element is selected with blue selection handles.

In Adobe Illustrator, you can toggle this by simply pressing the “H” key ( i think 🤔 ) and this helps speed up time of making visual adjustments to the selected layer / element to see what it actually looks like without the selection box.

Great suggestion on #productideas or improvement to the Figma app!


Oh my god, are you kidding me? FIGMA COME ON THIS IS A MUST FEATURE.

  • 2 replies
  • July 15, 2022

➕ Yes, please.


This needs to be done asap. Please and thank you.


This is very useful, I have problems seeing my designs when they are thin and semi-transparent especially when using st


  • New Participant
  • 11 replies
  • September 19, 2022

Let’s revive this suggested small but impactful improvement.
This seems to me as well like a low hanging fruit and deserves way more upvotes than merely 28.


+10000 on this!
coming from adobe products recently, it feels like very basic features to improve production flow are not yet added.
this is for sure one of them.

  • 4 replies
  • October 7, 2022

Please Figma. Please!

This allows for so much better screen-recording and editing… as it looks natural.


This is an absolute must. It’s a small thing but it’s very beneficial.

In Illustrator removing the bounding box and hiding outlines are even two separate toggles and it’s super handy. Just to name a couple of cases, it helps with setting type and balancing compositions. But most of all, it’s a huge help and time-saver when making changes to an element and comparing them to the previous step/s by going back and forth with Undo & Redo!

When the time comes for this feature, I think it should be a toggle and if possible - two separate ones (bounding box and outlines). Holding a key down could also be an option to hide both things if it’s Ctrl/Cmd. That’s the one you need to hold when performing Undo & Redo. Simply holding it down by going back and forth between previous steps and the current state would do the trick.

I suppose the low count of the vote so far is due to the possibility that a lot of people might not know this is an option in other software. However, by implementing it, Figma can help popularize this via all the tutorial videos and update posts that would be created after the update.

  • Author
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  • 56 replies
  • October 24, 2022

Well, one good thing (hopefully) with Adobe acquiring Figma might be this tiny but powerful feature, since the idea originally comes from Adobe tools.

  • 5 replies
  • January 30, 2023

+1 for this feature as well. It’s a feature I have used frequently with Adobe products for years.


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