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Auto-Play Prototypes in Figma Slides

Without having to press the prototype black screen every time, thank you!

11 replies

Agreed, this would be a great feature! It’s can be quite unappealing to show a slide with a black screen and have to wait for it to load.

It would also be great to avoid reloading a prototype every time you go to another slide and then come back.

  • Community Support
  • 4595 replies
  • July 17, 2024

Hey All, thanks for the feedback!

I’ll pass this onto the Figma Slides team for future consideration.

I used the Figma live interaction > prototype > embed with link feature to add a prototype to my slides. Overall it works well, but there’s a fundamental issue with the feature: both in the view mode and the presentation mode, the prototype doesn’t just automatically load. It gives me a blank screen with a bullseye like logo on it. I have to click on that logo to first wait for it to load the prototype. After loading the prototype, it still gives me a blanks screen with the Restart option on the bottom right. I have to then click on that option to finally get the prototype’s visuals to load.

During a presentation, this two step loading doesn’t let me maintain a flow of the conversation.


Please make this feature available! 🙏

The current “click to Play” function stops you from presenting a prototype if the prototype is suppose to start with an “after delay” interaction animation. Also currently “after delay” interactions do not loop, unless you bring the whole component into the slides, the animation stops after going through the sequence once.

  • 1 reply
  • September 11, 2024

+1 to this. One of the major usecases for Figma Slides, for me, is the ability to embed a prototype directly into the presentation but the way it currently works is extremely clunky and makes me resort back to GIFs and Google Slides…


I am so sad to see that this isn’t a possibility already. The main reason for using Figma slides for me, is to show a large group prototypes while presenting. This is easily done by just showing screen in the prototype by setting view swap to delay instead of clicks. However, I now still have to be at the computer to press the blank screen and wait for it to load. Sad that I didn’t look into these before, so I could’ve prepared in another software. Please make it happen.


+1 to this. While we can plan the presentation to avoid having to go back to previous slides, things don’t always go as planned.

  • 1 reply
  • October 17, 2024

+1 as well, this is definitely a pain point, I was super excited to have the embeddable prototypes in the slides feature, but its really tough to wait so long for the prototype to load and also seeing the black screen at first just doesn’t flow too well in a presentation


Huge plus one. Doing a CEO preso tomorrow for the first time using Slides and while Slides is so far incredible, this makes it feel v clunky and will require several instances of “sorry CEO I have to wait for this thing to load” comments 🙄

Bailee Warsing

I am so incredibly frustrated and disappointed with this. I am using this for a Sales demo, and the black screen is awful.

I didn’t realize that it did this, otherwise I would have picked a different tool. I now have to explain the clunky interaction to my C-Suite. Please prioritize fixing this or providing a work around. 


+1 for this - so clunky right now having to load a prototype on each new screen, and there’s no way to “pre-load” the protos by visiting each slide before you run the presentation. Downloading the presentation for offline use doesn’t fix it either. 

Really hampers presentation flow, plus the absolute DREAD of “will it ACTUALLY load though?” during a live presentation to clients, UGH!!!!!


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