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Links between pages in PDF export


I need to create internal linking PDF exports; a multipage document with a table of contents that provides links to the relevant pages.

If I use the link tool, the links generated in the exported PDF go to the web URL of the linked frames, and does not navigate to the page within the PDF. Using prototype linking does not generate any interactivity in the PDF at all.

It would be useful for either the prototyping tool or link tool to generate interactive internally-linked PDF exports.

22 replies


Just to comment on Andrew’s idea, this is specially helpful when using Figma for slide decks.
Thank you!

  • Power Member
  • 4706 replies
  • April 26, 2021

This is possible to achieve with the Pitchdeck Presentation Studio plugin.


  • 3 replies
  • June 16, 2021

Hello! it seems that links inside PDF exports (to external sites) crash adobe reader. Would be great if we could get these links to work properly for export 🙂


But if you want to merge, then you can use this tool merge PDF files.

  • 1 reply
  • February 15, 2022

Hi y’all. I m facing the same issue. Need to export to PDF and to keep interactivty links ( navigation in the document itself and external urls).

I know it is possible to use pitcheck plugin to do that. I did it a few times and now pitchdeck already require to buy a license. And it is way too much expensive considering the fact that i only need it to export interactivyt link in my PDF. $228 billed yearly just to export links ! Come on …

Please if anyone know a solution other than pitchdeck in figma to export PDF with interactivty links , let us know… There must be a solution in the native figma app to do that ?

  • 1 reply
  • May 3, 2022

Have you found a solution? We are in the same predicament and also find the cost too high for our occasional needs.

  • New Member
  • 2 replies
  • November 18, 2022

This plugin does not preserve links. You have to make them again in the plugin itself

  • 1 reply
  • December 1, 2022

I am facing the same issue. I wanted to design an interactive pdf file with link to the pages I need to hop on. If anyone has got any suggestion it will be really helpful!

  • 1 reply
  • December 17, 2022

This! I have been wanting Figma to make interactive links within the exported PDF for a long time. I know the Pitchdeck Presentation Studio is able to do this but it is very troublesome when it comes to big projects as they do not preserve the links and I’ll have to make them again and again. It will be great to see this feature being implemented 🙏


Pitchdeck is absolute trash, you can’t make individual elements link.
The easiest way I found is through Adobe Acrobat, although this may only work on the paid pro version:

  1. Export your PDF from Figma

  2. Open in Acrobat

  3. Click “Edit Text and Images”

  4. Open the “Link” dropdown and select from your options there. The auto create option didn’t work for me so I used the first option, “Add/Edit web or document link”… place a square over your button/link and away you go.

Figma making fully clickable, interactive PDFs exportable from within the app would be a complete game changer.


This worked for me. Yes, I had to do the linking all over again but it was quite fast to complete. I especially love that I could still do it within Figma, instead of exporting to Adobe Acrobat as advised by some commenters here.

If the prototype link can be exported as an interactive PDF that will be perfect. Then I can finish all the linkage in the main element. Or is there any plugin that can do so? I really need some help.

Yes please, add the native interactive linking to the PDF exports. It is a mess to do all the work on Figma and then to not be able to use it. For a planner, I need now to go with indesign or ther payd applications, it’s frustrating.

  • 1 reply
  • December 21, 2023

This would save so much time! Shareable/interactive PDFs are still a critical part of my workflow and recreating interactions in inDesign/Acrobat/etc. is very tedious. Please add support for interactions in PDF export!

  • 1 reply
  • February 7, 2024

The problem is with vector shapes (an icon for example), if it is a button with text or a simple text the solution is:

1 - select the text (Cmd+K).
2 - type the url in the input that appears
3 - go to text properties and remove the underline to the text box
4 - export PDF

Then the text links will be active to navigate outside the pdf viewer.


This conversation started in 2021 and still no solution ? Of course there is Pitchdeck but common… $28 !!!

I recently stumbled on this thread and pitchdeck for exactly the same use-case. And somewhere in the documentation for pitchdeck it says that you can setup links to and from individual elements on any frame and it will preserve those when exporting to pdf. I did give it a brief try and it works! So for everyone above who did not get it to work, do give it a try once more.

This is the link for the documentation page. Refer to the paragraph at the very end of the page.

Yes, the pitchdeck plugin is able to do this


@Figma_Moderation < let’s get this interactive links added to your PDFS! we’ve been asking for this over three years.

  • New Member
  • 1 reply
  • January 22, 2025

 I found the solution on another question from the forum!

FeatPaper converts prototype links to PDF navigation.

I tried with a simple pdf. I believe more complex files will require to buy the plan ($3.9 monthly unlimited or $7.9 for 30 exports)

ealbinu wrote:

 I found the solution on another question from the forum!

FeatPaper converts prototype links to PDF navigation.

I tried with a simple pdf. I believe more complex files will require to buy the plan ($3.9 monthly unlimited or $7.9 for 30 exports)

FeatPaper seems to work perfectly fine,

Just make sure you prototype EACH textbox (In this instance from the content page) to the respective corresponding frame/page.

I tried it atleast twice or thrice with the same FeatPaper account for free with a 23 frame/page exported pdf document from figma.

Inconvenient but works like magic, funny how this is a 3 years old thread lol.


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