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Different Comment Types for Different Use Cases


In their current state, comments try to accommodate multiple use cases into a single system: general note-taking, questions to ask stakeholders, functionality/purpose annotations, feedback, prototype tour points, etc. When all these use cases pile up in a single page, it could easily start to reach over 100 individual comments and makes it difficult to distinguish between them.

I’m proposing expanding the functionality of the comments feature to allow for the most common use cases to be different comment types. Invision does a great job of this by changing the color of the pin when a certain comment type is selected. This allows users to quickly identify the most relevant comments to them and ignore the rest.

(From Invision)

What would make it even better is if the visibility of types of comments could be filterable from the right toolbar. When the comment tool is active, editors could filter down which types of comments they would like to see. They could also determine if a comment type is visible in prototype mode. The latter would be especially helpful so those in the prototype wouldn’t be able to see annotations specifically to development, and instead could only, for example, see feedback- and tour-type comments.

(Example of filtering comments in sidebar with some different language. Take with a grain of salt, obviously.)

Hopefully a feature like this can make its way into the platform soon!

Has anyone else faced these kind of problems or has any potential solutions in the meantime?

30 replies


Completely agree, we are getting to the point where the Comments functionality is just not good enough for the different types of feedback. I want to be able to tag a comment or give it a ‘type’ such as: UAC note, Stakeholder, Design Iteration, Verify with Customer, Verify with CS, Discuss with Dev etc etc etc .
The filtering /search capability really needs to improve, when i’m on a page I only want to see Comments for that page - it gets way too crowded when you are working on multiple projects/screen and all the comments are jumbled up

  • 4 replies
  • August 6, 2021

Yes, our team could also greatly benefit from a feature like this. In addition, we often have the need that certain stakeholders on the file are not supposed to read certain comments, something like a private comments for individuals/roles/group would therefore also help a lot.

Has anyone else faced these kind of problems or has any potential solutions in the meantime?

Currently we use a separate file that we share with external stakeholders (mostly clients) to discuss product and technical questions based on hi-fi designs.


Exactly my thought. I’d love to be able to quickly distinguish comments I left for the clients from my personal notes. What you are proposing would be perfect !

  • 1 reply
  • October 8, 2021

Pleeeeeeeease @anon21722796 make this happen

  1. Comments per page rather than per file
  2. Allow user to restart comment numbering
  3. Tour mode


I agree… for me this is a big one as It is hard to keep track of which comments are just general conversation vs design updates that need to be made.

  1. Describe the problem your experiencing and how your idea helps solve this

I can’t differentiate comments when they are regarding different properties of their position. I beg you to add color or marker or anything to make one comments appear differently then others.

  1. Add as much context as possible (screenshots, Figma files, mockups, etc.)

In my our front-end project we use Figma as a design tool.

Front-end Developers then use comments to divide complex mockup into Components
But there are other things in the application too: states, selectors, commands, highter-order-components, apis, etc

Besides Components I would like to see other project parts on mockups as well but I want them to show up differently.

We tried once putting all the things together one color but I didn’t work.

  1. Ask questions to bring the community into the conversation
    (e.g. Does anyone else experience this? Is anyone using a plugin or workaround to help solve this?, etc.

Any ideas? May be there’a plugin or something. I found one but it’s for drawing comments in the current projects layout. Not what was needed


It would be nice to view, search, and organize comments by various means and filters, such as timeframe written (eg critiques or workshops), specific users, specific UI, feedback vs to-do’s vs questions. Scrolling through all the comments like a facebook feed is time-consuming and it’s difficult to find specific comments.

  • 1 reply
  • April 13, 2022

Yes! I’d really love the option to tag a comment as a task 🙂


I really wish Figma would implement the feature in InVision whereby something can be a comment or a note for different team members. When there are numerous comments (sometimes up to 100+) the ability to sort/filter between feedback, notes, FAO designers, FAO developers etc, would be super useful


This would be great! It would reduce drastically the need for annotation plugins/templates such as 1 2 3 4 5

The plugins/templates are great but they pollute the pages with non-design elements. Having notes as native comments would make everything cleaner, but the way it is it’s impossible to differentiate the different comment types.

  • New Participant
  • 11 replies
  • August 15, 2022

This is also a major need for our team. Coming from Zeplin where you could easily handle both client communication, dev handoff and internal review feedback, Figma’s comment system feels very archaic. Adding in the ability to color code comments would be a huge win and add back to our productivity and process on this platform.


Agree with all the points made above! We are sharing our creative with several stakeholders and our files have soooo many comments. Would be great if we could have some type of color hierarchy:

  • add an email(s) when sharing the file for review with the option of assigning the task (R1 review)
  • having an editable color label for said task (UX team Green, copy team yellow)

That way we can distinguish who reviewed it and easily find the group comments within the file. Or when you click on the color label itself it will only show you the feedback shared for that color label/task/team without the other comments crowding around it. This will help our creative team make the appropriate updates to the file and check off what was done without missing an update.


I didn’t have time to read all comments and replies here, but coming from Zeplin, Miro, and Invision - I definitely also need the ability to color-code comments, for example:

  • Yellow = General UX note / meeting note
  • Blue = For Product
  • Red = Question / To Do
  • Blue = Resolved (but still displayed)
  • Black = For Content/Copy


Agree! In Zeplin, I used to tag myself in the comments, which sent an email to my inbox, which I triaged weekly as ToDo items. This would be great to also do with Figma.


+1 here for a Miro user thinking of switching to Figjam


Another +1. Would love to see these comment types:

  • Note
  • Task
  • Design QA
  • Question for Product
  • Question for Engineering
  • Question for Design


An overview of Zeplin’s annotation system for reference:

The only thing missing that I would like to see is the ability to add frames, components, etc in comments. That way we can, for example, show a particular state of a component inline in the comment.


Not revolutionary as invision has it but I think it was useful having developer comments, regular comments etc. I could see instead of their breakdown maybe: [“C” to add comment] => defaults to regular comment but you can switch to: standard comment (the one you’re on), copy comment, dev comment, or a research question.


possibly a private note too. And maybe it defaults to the mode you select so if you’re spending an hour on copy review you can keep commenting without having to select every time.


plus +1. this would be so helpful. specifically i want to differentiate between notes / tasks for myself of things i want to revisit and notes for devs about the design specs.

love the color coded suggestion others have made. and the possibility have having some notes private to me only


I’ve been looking at ways to create a change log with references to discussions resulting in the change. However, there is no way to create comment types or categories. Say marking comments as either: Feedback, Note, Comment, Change request etc.

The ability to set status is mentioned too, good idea too!


came to post the same thing… would be very useful. Could even be arbitrary names for more flexibility

  • Active Member
  • 130 replies
  • July 27, 2023

The updates to commenting is an improvement from what it used to be, however, there tend to be a lot of comments and no way to easily categorize them based on the topic and intended audience.

I use comments in a variety of ways:

  1. Notes for developers.
  2. Conversations with other designers
  3. Conversations with clients
  4. Notes to myself for future adjustments

With the great volume of comments this presents, it can be difficult to find relevant information. Some sort of categorization that can be applied to a comment would really help in sorting through the noise.

Here is a previous thread of the same topic

  • New Participant
  • 35 replies
  • October 7, 2023

There are many other similar ideas around this feature but this post seems to have the most votes so I’ll +1 here. My teammates use the commenting feature to make notes to themselves, and as the person who created the file, I get a notification for every, single comment. While I could ask my teammate to use a plugin or find another way, I can’t deny that commenting is asking to be used to make a “note to self.”

Please consider upgrading the commenting system with the suggestions above or an alternative, native way to make “notes to self.” They’re especially needed during design reviews and comments are the natural feature for it — the only issue is that the intended audience for these comments is <self>.


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