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Set dynamic same width for items in Autolayout Wrap


I would very much like a feature to maintain the same width of items in an Autolayout with wrap - even when they are dynamic using “Filled”

i have 3 items in autolayout with wrap on.
Width is set to Filled
Max width for items are 200
Min width for items are 100

My autolayout width is 300
= all items are on the same row

I change autolayout width to 200
= items in 1st row are now 100px wide,
Item 3 is pushed to a new row, but stays 100px wide

6 replies

  • New Participant
  • 5 replies
  • March 27, 2024

This is a great idea an overview of how it could be implemented. Figma design team, please implement this soon! It would be immensely useful to me

  • 1 reply
  • April 19, 2024

And the same height with the tollest in a row! Both features are mustHave for adaptive site autolayout!

  • 144 replies
  • April 19, 2024

Yes please! CSS does it

  • 5 replies
  • November 8, 2024

Yes, for instance, Figma could allow us to apply the width of the objects that are in the first row, to all other items in subsequent rows.

  • 5 replies
  • November 13, 2024

Until this perhaps gets solved, here is a workaround which may or may not work depending on your situation:

Add more items to your grid: add as many as the maximum amount of items you expect to see in a single row when the grid is at its “widest”

For me, my grid could be 1920 wide in the largest designs, the items in it have a min width of 100 and a max width of 150, their width are set to ‘fill’. This gives at most 14 items per row. So, I would add 14 ‘placeholders’ extra.

Give these placeholders a height of 0px (add lots of '0’s in the height tab to ‘force’ it) and a 0% transparency.

This will result in all your visible items being the same width as your resize the grid, and only the invisible placeholders will have a width discrpency without affecting your designs.

  • New Member
  • 1 reply
  • February 18, 2025
Benjamin8 wrote:

Until this perhaps gets solved, here is a workaround which may or may not work depending on your situation:

Add more items to your grid: add as many as the maximum amount of items you expect to see in a single row when the grid is at its “widest”

For me, my grid could be 1920 wide in the largest designs, the items in it have a min width of 100 and a max width of 150, their width are set to ‘fill’. This gives at most 14 items per row. So, I would add 14 ‘placeholders’ extra.

Give these placeholders a height of 0px (add lots of '0’s in the height tab to ‘force’ it) and a 0% transparency.

This will result in all your visible items being the same width as your resize the grid, and only the invisible placeholders will have a width discrpency without affecting your designs.

This was genius! Gets exactly what I was hoping for! I’ve been adding things and hiding them but I didn’t think about the 0px height! Live saver. 


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