Zoom to fit: Frame only

Is it possible that I’m the only person that would like a Zoom to Fit option for a single frame/artboard, rather than the entire page and all assets on it? How do other people do it?

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Maybe you are interested in the “Zoom to selection” function? Select the desired element on the canvas or in the layers panel and press Shift + 2.


I would love that, but it seems that Shift + 2 makes the frame go to Opacity 20%. Command + 2 goes to the second tab. I’m on a Mac.

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Check the shortcut in the Figma menu ⟩ View ⟩ Zoom to fit. Perhaps you still need to enable or disable the “Keyboard zooms into selection” item in Menu ⟩ Preferences.

I found it in View but I couldn’t get the @ keyboard shortcut to work. However, I did the “Keyboard zooms into selection” trick and now simply pressing 2 zooms to fit! Good enough, thank you!


Why sometimes the “Shift+2” works for the opacity, and some other times it works for the zoom level?

I have my figma at work working differently from my figma at home. Where do I find the options to set the same keyboard shortcut?

great answer!!!