Vertical alignment of text in objects

For items such as text box, shapes, and stickies, it would be great to be able to control vertical alignment in addition to the (pictured) existing horizontal alignment of text!



Big plus one on this one!

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Agree! Plus one from me :slight_smile:

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Same, came here to vote for this.

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Yes, please! +1

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Bump, this is important.

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Agree. Would like to be able to quickly top align text inside an object.


Me, too, +1 :raised_back_of_hand:

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Could not believe it … it is not possible ?

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+1 here too, thanks!

was delightfully using the halloween treats (thank you!) when i also wasn’t able to vertically align text. we love to be precise! you know us :jack_o_lantern:

This is particularly annoying when the text won’t align to the top of the shape. It’s starting at the middle and cutting off the entire content. This is so broken.

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I spent so much time trying to find how to do it…
Also Text Line Spacing would give us more control!

Yes. Let’s get this feature! Must be a pretty low hanging fruit to implement.

Would really appreciate this being fixed.

Another plus one from me :slightly_smiling_face:

I am voting for this as well

Yes, I also need the align to top of object function.

Still missing…

Be Figma. Ask customers in app how they rate figjam. Don’t provide anyway to provide feedback on low ratings. Build basic features that PageMaker in the 90s had that figjam does not :clap:

So yes plus one to this idea