Why does Variant 2 doesn’t accepts interaction in the current Prototype?
As an example, a Scroll Bar component in it roots you click the scroll move to right, click back move it to the left
So in the Prototype, you use this scroll bar when click - scroll offset some table
Then you (changed Scroll Bar to variant 2) but you can’t insert interactions for this variant 2 as an example scroll it back
I tried create variables as well but the only interaction that works in the prototype is from Variant 1 - so in a conditional case, it is not Variant 2 anymore, it changed
And if you change in the Design to Variant 2 - try to set up interactions - but need to change component back to default to start the prototype, the interactions you set in Variant 2 doesn’t work…
I got various example cases that this functionality made a confusing confusing prototype with variants… should just simple allow Variant 2 interact
How can I make a feature request for that?