Not long ago, Figma introduced a major change to how drafts are managed. Now, there’s a distinct draft folder for each team you’re part of, accessible via a dropdown instead of being always visible.
When creating new drafts, it’s unclear where they’re saved—there’s no breadcrumb or clear indication, especially when starting a draft outside the Figma homepage. It seems that drafts are placed in the team space currently active in the dropdown, or from which your open tab is associated. This often leads to drafts being mixed up, and I’ve had trouble locating them.
In one case, I added an editor without realizing the draft was saved in a customer’s team space, which caused them to be added to the client’s payroll instead of mine. The breadcrumb in the file header only shows “Draft > …”, which doesn’t help.
Proposed Solution:
Including the Team Space in the file breadcrumb would clarify which space you’re working in, whether it’s a new draft or an existing file. It could also be selectable when opening a new tab with Cmd + T, though this might go unnoticed by users who create drafts via Cmd + N.