I’ve built a prototype (Frame 1) that that uses the “on-click” interaction to pop-up a new frame (Frame 2). In Frame 2 I’ve embedded a video. The video also has an “on-click; play” interaction assigned. It will play the embedded video in design mode, but in presentation it will not play on click.
When linking the video to an outside page (YouTube) it plays, so at least that interaction appears to be functioning appropriately in presentation. I also added clickable play buttons outside of the embedded video in Frame 2, and those also would not play in presentation mode.
The video is under 30MB, and I’m designing with a Professional account. I tried it a few different ways: 1) embedding the video saved to the laptop, 2) embedding the video by pasting the YouTube video link in FigJam and then bringing it over to Figma, 3) embedding the video saved to Google Drive, and again with iCloud.
Is this a known constraint with prototypes or is there a setting I’m missing somewhere? Thanks!