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I’m working on creating a reusable radio component for my team, and I’m now seeing this weird interaction.

I have the variant for each radio bound to a local variable, and I set the Not Selected variant for the other radios when one is selected.


The issue I’m seeing is that when the other radios are set to the “Not Selected” variant via this bound local variable, the Text property for the label is reset to the value set in the main component. The expected text returns when I hover over the button to trigger the “Change” to the Hover variant.

Is this a bug, or am I just going about this all wrong…?

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out! It looks like we need to check your file, would you be able to share the file link with access to It won’t affect your billing. I hope I can investigate it further!



Sure thing. I just invited that email to the file with view access. Does that work?

@y_toku just noticed I didn’t tag you. Thanks!

Hi there,

Thanks for that! Could you share a file link too so I understand which file is yours?

Thanks again.


@y_toku Sent you a DM. 🙂

Hi there,

Thanks for sharing the link and my apology for the delayed response. Have you tried some workaround for this already?

After a quick review, it looks quite complicated at first glance. While I can’t provide a direct solution at the moment, I suspect there might be naming conflicts or interactions between frames causing the issue. Simplifying the component structure or assigning unique names to each frame could potentially improve the situation.

I hope other community members can jump into this thread if they experienced similar issues.



Did you ever solve this?

No. My radios still say “option” after they’re interacted with. But I also found there’s no way to scope the variables to the component instance, so in my prototypes with more than one radio question, selecting the answer on one also selects the answer on the other radios. Therefor I don’t think this is currently possible to create a reusable radio group component in Figma without extremely buggy looking behavior.
