Text input not working

Hi, i am new to Figma and while testing the free version, i am stuck with entering a test. I searched this forum, but i could not find any real help so far. I performed all the advised steps to similar issues:

I add a frame and choose the text tool, then i should be able to simply click and write or draw a text field and write. When i want to type, my keybord keys move through the menu bar on top and also to the right part where you can edit the components. But no text.

When I enter a Text via the left navigation (layers, assets), i cannot see it in the frame.

I use a macbook air 2018 with the latest OS.

Any advise?
Thanks and cheers

Hey there, sorry for the trouble and delayed reply!

Are you still having trouble with Text tool?

If so, are you able to share a screen recording of what’s happening on your end, so we can better visualize and understand?