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Support Prefixes for Export


Is it planned to add the option that not only a suffix but a prefix can be assigned during export? this feature makes working with Sketch a lot easier and more intuitive. very strange it planned to add this feature to Figma in the future?

Sketch for example already supports this feature since 2018. Assets for Android and Flutter use the same name for all sizes, only they are stored in a folder that defines the size.

Due to this missing feature, it is practically impossible to prepare a file that can be exported with all the correct settings with a single click.

8 replies

  • 3 replies
  • August 8, 2021

Also trying to migrate from Sketch + Zeplin to Figma. This needs to be fixed. The current plugin options don’t work because there is only a ‘suffix’ option and no ‘prefix’ option to provide the folder structure that’s necessary for Android.


Really need this feature guys. I feel like prefix is just much more commonly needed and better for organization.


Would be really useful to have this feature and would complete our migration over to Figma rather than having to rely on other products for this.


Yes, this option is needed for export.


This would save me many, many hours of mindless, tedious work. Please Figma, support the prefix! 🙏 🙇‍♂️


+1 Adding prefixes to exports would be super helpful for me!


+1 for this. very annoying this doesn’t exist in Figma


This is currently hindering me from switching from Sketch to Figma.

My asset pipeline (game dev) require files to be sorted into subfolders named with the resolution. Ex. Feature/1920x1080/filename.png.

In Sketch I can setup a preset like this: Sketch Export Presets.png - Google Drive

Right now it makes it rough to transition into Figma wholehearted without better export options with more granular control.


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