I’m trying to figure out what happens and why my prototype is not using smart animation properly. I tried to create a dropdown list like a dropdown menu but without selecting any options, just to hide too much content showing up on the page. I followed everything step by step with a tutorial but it doesn’t work like there.
When I test my prototype instead of doing a nice animation showing up a list and also rotating the arrow when the list is visible or not, the transition between visible list and default one is like an image, nothing special. I tried to rotate the arrow from the default state, not the frame of the arrow and still doesn’t work.
Thank you for reaching out! To make sure Smart Animate functions correctly, there are several key aspects to consider, such as consistent layer names, maintaining a structured layer hierarchy, layer order, etc. For a more comprehensive guide, please take a moment to review this resource: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039818874#h_d727ed2d-f496-41b7-8f1a-a03eb9133402.
Additionally, if you could share the link to your file, I’d be more than happy to take a closer look and provide specific assistance!
So as far as I understand, your component behaves much more like an Accordion, which can expand/collapse its nested content. You can visit this link and tell me if I was right or not: React Accordion component - Material UI (mui.com)
And can you use this “Share” button at the upper right corner to share us a link to your file? It is easier to address the problem if we have a closer look at the layer structure and settings.
If you prefer a direct support in private, you can reach out to the support team so they can investigate further. Could you file a ticket from here: https://help.figma.com/hc/en-us/requests/new? The suppor team can look into the file!