Show nested properties are when multiple instances of component are selected

Hey @dvaliao. I just tested what you mentioned here: When I expose properties from a nested instance in a component, the nested instance properties show up in design mode, Dev Mode component playground, but not regular Dev Mode when the component gets inspected (as you mentioned). Has this feature been removed again?

Hey David, the Selection Variants plugin by @Gleb might help to a certain extend :slight_smile:

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need this man :sleepy: :kissing: :kissing: :sleepy: :sleepy: :sleepy:

Hey @Papes_Christoph,

It has not been removed. Please reach out to the support team directly via this form for help:

Be sure to use your Figma account email, include a link to the file, and share it with so we can take a closer look.

Hey @daken,

As mentioned above, this was already launched in November 2023.

I don’t think the solution was accurate to what the OP was asking because I’m having the same issue today. zach_ward2 explained it properly above.

Yes, we are aware that nested properties can be exposed now, but when multiple component layers are selected, the nested properties disappear from the side panel.

While these are helpful for some uses, this doesn’t cover the needs for the original issue/post.

When selecting multiple components from a single component set, you aren’t able to adjust nested component properties. You have to select them individually to change them in the properties panel.


Hi! I checked the link and it seems to me that it doesn’t correspond to the question. When I select multiple instances, Figma doesn’t display the properties of the nested instances.

Hey @frolovv,

The option to expose nested instances is available only if a main component:

  • already has an exposed nested instance, or
  • contains nested instances with component properties applied to it

If you don’t see the Nested instances option, try applying a component property to a nested component first.

More info here:

it doesnt work?

LAUNCHED: Show nested properties are when multiple instances of component are selected

Hi there,

Around the 5-second mark in your video, it appears that you’re selecting two instances. Could you try selecting just one instance to see if the properties are shown?

Additionally, please ensure that you’ve exposed the properties of the nested instances in the main component. If you see the properties of the nested instances like in the attached sample, you should be able to see them when you click on the instance individually.

Please feel free to let us know if you hav further questions!


I think you’re missing the point, everyone here understands how to expose nested instances properties of ONE selected instance but what people are asking is to be able to see the nested properties when selecting MULTIPLE instances of the same component.


Thank you for pointing that out. It seems I had a misunderstanding. My apology for that. I now fully understand the situation and am currently discussing it with our team. I’ll share if I have more information to share with you.

Thanks again.

Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback. I’ve checked with our internal team that it’s feature limitation due to some technical reasons. Exposed properties of nested components are not available when selecting multiple instances at the moment.

The post title previously included [LAUNCHED], which was incorrect. I have now removed it for clarity. I hope this clears up any confusion.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated and our product team will take it into consideration for potential future enhancements!


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Hi @y_toku,

I appreciate the rapid feedback.
I think @dvaliao had touched on that point back in October, saying it would cause performance issues.
I think I’m not alone when I say please keep trying to implement this feature. It might not be part of any mainstream workflow but it would greatly simplify the kind of work that I use Figma for.

Thank you!

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Well, not sure it’s that “non mainstream” I really think it makes workflow of people using complex design systems and using repetitive instances more tiresome. And I think this is often bigger companies case, which I would guess would be a good client for Figma. So maybe it should still be treated as thing to fix, even if technically difficult. Would be really a relieve to me, too : )


Also: this topic is still marked as “this topic has a solution” in the topics list. Can we remove that ; ) ? Because it’s not really true it’s solved : )

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Bumping for a solution!

Coming up against this in my build for tables and menus. Really bad experience for designers trying to bulk update anything with nested instances (like table columns)

This thread and that one should be merged.