Scroll-to within column

I have a help page where I on the top level have a navigations bar, header section, and main content section. Within the main content section I have two columns. The one on the left is a menu of all help topics that stick to the top when scrolling. The one on the right are the help topics themselves.

I want to use links on the left to scroll-to topics on the right. But when I create an interaction, all I can select from the list are the two top level objects nav bar and header section. Is there anyway to solve this by adding tags to different parts in the right column?

Hi @Krister_Nielsen, Thanks for reaching out about scroll to action. I appreciate you sharing helpful screenshots!

Just to make sure I’ve got this right, are there specific objects for each help topic within the green frame on the right side?
If so, are these objects for each help topic directly nested within that green frame, or are they found within the top-level frame?
You can check this in the Layers panel on the left side bar.

When you add a ‘Scroll to’ action using the Interactions section of the Prototyping panel, you can select direct children of scrollable frames. If you want to choose any object within the top-level frame, you’ll need to drag out a noodle and link it to the object that you want to set as the destination.
Please take a look at the details here: Prototype actions

I hope this helps even a bit. But if there’s something I didn’t quite get right, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Also, we’re always open to thoughts and suggestions from our community members too, so feel free to join the conversation!


Not sure how to structure this correctly, but as you can see in the image, Service form has a child called Content which contain the two columns. When I click either topic in the menu on the left (first column), I want to scroll down to the topic on the right (second column). Currently I only have two topics, but idea is to add many more so there might be some height to that column. So these are siblings in a sense, so maybe this is why it won’t work?

Not sure how a website is built up, but if you could tag certain rows or objects in my tree, maybe I could tell their X/Y position and scroll to them?

Hey Krister,
are you expecting an outcome like this?

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Sorry for late reply. Yes, that’s exactly it. Can’t figure out how to make it work. ^^