Right Click and Double Click triggers for prototypes

Absolutely! I’m currently dealing with interactions that require distinguishing between single clicks and double clicks. It’s proving to be a bit challenging for me to set up.

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I NEED to be able to set up both left and right click triggers in Figma for user testing. I am considering looking for a different tool to prototype, that’s how much I need it.


Hey Flower, sorry wenn ich so umständlich dich kontaktiere, hier ist Stefan, Pianist. Schau mal bei Discord, hab Toki no Uta aufgenommen. Nach Figma bleiben wohl keine Möglichkeiten mehr zur Kontaktaufnahme :sweat_smile:

yes please!

Would be a great deal for peepz who are not working on mobile apps but focus on desktop apps!

Really need a right click fonction in my prototypes for real user testings. Very frustrating that this action doesn’t exist in Figma…

+1 for Right click. Also a Key + left click

It would be great to also have a Centre Click option too

Would be nice to have it :slight_smile:

After single-click, I would argue that the most common interactions for users who are exploring a new interface on desktop are right-click and double-click.

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Really important for those trying to design tool interfaces! Like imagine designing for Trello or any other productivity tool where right click is commonly used

another day, another prototype that desperately needs this

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Need this! In todays word there are still desktop applications beeing build and designed. Not everything is mobile :smiley:

+1 on double tapping, long press and pinching. Came here from a google search on hacking Figma since it seems this is not possible. I appreciate the ability to single tap and swipe but as mobile users continue to become more advanced, the need for interfaces to keep up is also there.

Hey All, thanks for the feedback and apologies for the lack of acknowledgement here!

We’ll pass this onto the prototyping team for future consideration.

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It’s strange that right click trigger interaction is missing in all the major prototyping tools out there including Figma. This thread is years old and the feature hasn’t made it to their backlog. I don’t understand the bias against right click interaction triggers. Almost anything that’s not a mobile shopping app or a dog walking app requires it.


Everyone, make sure to vote. Even though I have followed this topic for years, I forgot to vote for it. Show your interest!

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+1 for right click, we need this thx

Found a solution for this. It’s called “Copy to Axure RP”, then use the galore of event triggers available there.