Reset Component state not working

Hi there,

I have created a prototype with conditional drop downs that activate a ‘next screen’ button. When I click the ‘next screen button’, arrive on the next screen, and then click the ‘previous screen’ button, and return to the previous screen, none of my component states have reset. I have selected the ‘reset component state’ checkbox for the ‘previous screen’ button interaction already but it doesn’t make any difference. I’ve checked it for a lot of interactions, but no change. Am I getting this horribly wrong?? Any help greatly appreciated!

Hey @Suzie, thanks for reaching out and sorry for the confusion here!

To reset your component state, you want to uncheck the Reset component state setting.

While it may seem counterintuitive in your case, by default, Figma memorizes the last set variant of your interactive component. So again, if you don’t want to maintain a state across frames, check off Reset component state on the Interaction details panel of the prototype interaction.

More info here: