Problems with the conditional logic in Figma interactions

I have found several bugs while using the conditional logic.

  1. when I duplicate a page, all interactions with conditional logic are deleted on the duplicated page.
  2. when I copy and paste interactions with conditional logic, they do not work when I navigate to other frames within the conditional logic. The reference to the frames is lost even though they are correctly highlighted on the canvas when selected in the interactions overlay (sorry, a bit difficult to explain). I have to recreate the reference for each statement to make it work.

Can anyone confirm the problems with the conditional logic?

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Hey @Roger, Thanks for bringing this to our attention! I really appreciate the thorough explanation.

I’ve tried to replicate the issue myself, but no luck so far. It sounds like the tool isn’t behaving as expected, but it’s hard to say definitively if it’s a bug at this point. I believe we’ll need to review the actual files to get a clearer picture.

I suggest submitting a bug report to our support team for a more in-depth investigation. You can do so here:

When submitting the report, please remember to include the following details:

  • Your Figma account email
  • Recordings or screenshots of the issue, capturing the entire Figma screen with the left and right-hand panels
  • The URLs of the affected file and any related library files; also, add as an editor of those files (this won’t impact your billing)

Thanks for your help! If anyone in our community has any additional suggestions or insights, please feel free to share them here.