Preserve Scrolling not working on variant components


Scenario - I’m attempting to create a mobile prototype with a scrollable secondary navigation, the secondary navigation should preserve its horizontal scroll position after an on click interaction

Problem - My prototype will not preserve horizontal scroll position when changing variants with the on click interaction.

Image of menu -

Image of component

Here is a link my prototype - Figma

Thank you for your help

I’m having the same problem: Preserve scroll position not working with On Click / Change to connections between variants. This really screws my plans for my prototype! ugh.

Not a solution as such - but i found my paged jumped to the top and back to the component when i made an on-click transition between component variants AND had the transition set to smart animate.

Changing the transition from smart-animate to instant solved the jump issue


Also having the same problem. Marc22’s solution to change the transition to instant solved it for me. However, I no longer get to see or use my intended transition.

I was running into some of the same issues recently - another trick to keep in mind is make sure the frames of all parent components are the same dimensions. That will ensure that the components change to keep generating in the same area, and smart animate should work too!