Alternatively, it could help using browser tools like spell checker!
Spellcheck is definitely needed! It’s really embarrassing to collaborate with your team in realtime and have a bunch of spelling errors. I’ve been opening a separate Google window to double check certain words to make sure they’re correct.
You guys are amazing!🎉 Please add Spelling check to at-least FigJam
I need spell check ASAP 😂
Grammarly support would be amazing
Using the browser’s spellchecker would be fantastic. I would be OK with a short-term solution of enabling figma (spell checking) plugins on the figjam board.
It would be great to be able to access the OS-level spellcheck feature available to most text-based apps. I.e., highlight a word, right click and Define word or replace word with correctly spelled version.
+1 we need at least the basic spell check in Fig Jam
Yes, I would love to see spellcheck. Also just feels like it should be table stakes for a tool like this. Was really surprised it was not there.
This is so needed! Please prioritize it. My company blocks widgets so we cannot use any external tools. Thanks.
I really can’t understand why it’s taking this much time to add a simple spell checker to Figma / FigJam. This is a much-needed feature. Today I had to switch to Miro due to this problem. But I don’t have an alternative for Figma. Please fix this asap. Really appreciate it.
We are not asking too much just a simple spell checker 🙏. I really don’t like to rely on third-party plugins since some of them stop working properly and required some commitment from the developer to always keep track of updates.
My dudes, come on. The last update fixed 20 things that weren’t actually broken and you still don’t have a spellcheck. For realsies, let’s get this one done.
Accessibility score: 2/10
I’m able to use the SPELLL plugin in FigJam, though having it built-in would be ideal.
YESSSSS, please!!! Soooo needed. At work we are not use plugins in Figma and not having it makes it really hard.
I have users the other plugins that try and create a good experience, but none of them are great and this seams like something that should be in the app already.
This would be a massive improvement and something that I see being extremely important and missing,
please add this.
as everyone has said above, this is an issue when collaborating with large groups of people from different backgrounds. plugins are not always an option given security policies at some companies.
Spell checker is a feature I really miss and has always been in Miro.
Nowadays products are international and English is the common language. I find it fascinating that there is a corrector in here in this comment system but not in FigJam.