Persistent Variables library update

Hi everyone, we are maintaining a Design System and working with Variables/Tokens. Even without updating the variables the ‘Components update available’ dialog keeps on coming up :

Would you know why or how to fix it?
Thank you

Hi there, Thank you for reaching out! We understand that this issue is affecting the maintenance of your design system. Could you provide us with more details?

Are you experiencing an issue where the notification keeps showing up on the same file after review and accept the updates?

Does this issue occur in both the browser and the desktop app? To rule out some common issues, could you please try clearing the cache on both your desktop apps and browsers to see if that makes any difference?

For the desktop apps:

  • Mac: In the Help menu under Troubleshooting.
  • Windows: Under the toggle arrow at the right of the top toolbar under Help > Troubleshooting.

I hope to hear from you soon! We also encourage input from our community, so feel free to jump in and share your insights!


Hi @Junko3, thanks for your reply!

I hope I will give you the necessary information, feel free if you need more.
I am indeed experiencing an issue where the notification keeps showing up on the same file after review and accept the updates. It seems that it always shows a Variable update when there is actually nothing to update.
This occurs on the desktop app, and to be frank I don’t use the browser version often enough to confirm that it happens on it too.
I cleared my cache, but this does not only happen to me, it happens to other editors of the files.

Thanks again

Hi @Augustin_Ohannessian, Thank you for getting back to us. We really appreciate you clearing the cache for your desktop app. I’m sorry to hear that the issue is still persisting.

I understand that you don’t use Figma on the browser too often, but it would be really helpful for us if you could try switching between the desktop and browser versions to see if there are any differences.

Could you also please try the following troubleshooting steps?

  1. Make a small change to your variables in the Fluid Tokens & Foundations file and publish it again. Then, accept the library update when prompted from your working file. This should force the variables to re-render and hopefully fix any broken connections.

  2. Open the affected file and run a Quick Action called “Repair Variable Connections.” This command will update the variables without you needing to manually make changes and re-publish them. I’ve included instructions on how to run the command below:

    1. Open the affected file and select the affected instance.
    2. Go to the main dropdown menu in the top left and search for Quick Actions in the search bar.
    3. Look for Repair variable connections and run this command.

If these options don’t resolve the issue, please contact our support team directly at this link:

Please be sure to use your Figma account email, and to help our support team investigate further, please provide the following information:

  1. Figma version where the issue occurs (desktop app, browser version, or both) and any troubleshooting steps you have already taken.
  2. Share file links and add as an Editor to those files (Rest assured, this will not affect your billing):
    • The file where the color variables ‘Components update available’ dialog keeps on coming up.
    • The library where the color variables are located.

Thank you so much for your assistance!