PDF export of the frame results in dimensions of this page are out-of-range error

Im exporting frames from Figma jam board into a PDF file each, when I importing the PDF into Powerpoint the first two frames look fine, the second two frames which I wider are cut off. When I open the PDF it displays fine, at the correct width no cropping. I’ve tried adding more height to the frame in Figma which did not help. I’ve also tried to add another object on the far right where the cropping occurs, but that did not help either. How can I eliminate this cropping issue?

When I open the exported PDF file in Acrobat it says:
“The dimensions of this page are out-of-range. page content might be truncated”
There are no page size settings on the Figma export dialog box.

The issue is similar to https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-reader-discussions/the-dimensions-of-this-page-are-out-of-range-page-content-might-be-truncated/td-p/12506917

I could not fix this after an hour of trial and error, but found a workaround moving the objects from Figma jamboard to Figma designer and exporting to SVG (which is not offered as an option in jamboard). SVG worked like a charm, PDF continued to have clipping issues no matter what.

Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out. As you mentioned, FigJam doesn’t have an option to set frame sizes. Therefore, setting a frame size in Figma Design, as you did, is the best approach. Typically, 1920 × 1080 for a 16:9 aspect ratio or 1024 × 768 for a 4:3 aspect ratio are common slide sizes. You can set up the frame like this in Figma Design:

Then, you can export these frames to a single PDF:

Lastly, I’m afraid we can’t provide any tips for handling this in Acrobat, but I hope this helps!
