Organizing 'Pages' by Color and Parent Group

I’d like to organize the left-hand “Pages” panel by adding color codes to each page.
(Think how Mac’s OSX Finder allows you to add colored circles to individual files.)

Additionally, Pages should have the ability to be sorted into groups within a parent folder.
(Think how you can make groups in Photoshop’s layers panel)

This feature will make it easier for my team to organize our Experience Library file. Users need to be able to scan the Pages quickly.

I’ve attached an example of what the color coding could look like.

Hello, does anyone else think that being able to color the pages on the left layer panel would really help? It would make it incredibly more organized for my projects which usually contain over 10-15 pages. Or even having a tab system like the google chrome browser where you can click on a main colored tab and the rest of the websites under that topic drop down.

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This would be helpful. For the moment, my team often uses emojis in the title text field for pages.

Thanks for the feedback!

We’ll pass this onto our team for future consideration.